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Privacy Statement

We respect your privacy. This Privacy Statement informs you of our privacy practices and of the choices you can make about the way your information is collected online and how that information is used. This statement is readily available on our home page and at the bottom of every web page on this site.
We collect and use personal information to understand your needs and interests and to serve you better. In addition to the information you provide, we may also collect information during your visit to our website through our Automatic Data Collection Tools, which include Web beacons, cookies, embedded Web links, and other commonly used information-gathering tools.
The information we collect to understand your needs and interests helps us deliver a consistent and personalized experience. For example, we may use your information to

  • assist you in completing a transaction or order;
  • communicate with you about products and services;
  • provide service and support;
  • update you on new services and benefits;
  • provide personalized promotional offers;
  • select content to be communicated to you;

    Starting May 25, 2018 GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation comes into force at European level.
    Our Online Shop Resumes Current Legislation and Legislation to Come Effective May 25, 2018
    Regarding GDPR, we bring you the following:

    The main personal data that the DB Production Workshop collects through the e-commerce platform are the data of the customers who buy a product orservice.
    These collected data are:

    Name and surname
    Delivery address
    Phone number
    Email Address

    These data are required both in the Customer Relations Department, Delivery Department, and Economic Department (billing)
    These data are only used for these purposes: contacting customers (by phone or e-mail / sms), parcels and billing.
    This data is not transmitted to other departments, physical or legal entities.

    - the data collected by the DB Online Production Workshop can not and will not be transmitted to another base date, regardless of whether it belongs to the same owner;
    - Your billing / contact details are secured within the security platform and only those who are in charge of customer relationships have access to them

    economic department (billing)
    - we inform you that there is a dedicated GDPR link in the footer of the online store - called My Personal Information. By accessing this link you are directed to a page
    dedicated where you can choose and delete the personal data you have previously written in our database.
    What you can not delete is data from previously placed commands. This is not possible because tax laws oblige businesses to keep billing and invoicing data (in electronic and physical format) 5 years from the date of issue.
    - social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) have already implemented and optimized their applications to meet GDPR
    - On the order completion page you have a link by which you are invited to read our regulation where this information is collected about the data collected in the process
    to acquire a product.

    Can the photos taken during public events be published on the company / social networking site without the acceptance of the characters caught in the frame?
    As long as we do not interfere with a person's image, images can be published without any risk, as it is a public event, even educational. How long is it about a public space and the events do not affect a person's image, photos can be published without any problems, as long as the characters do not have a express request to not use the image.


    Customers enrolled in our email address database and who have opted in to receive offers, news, data about our collection, the latest collections will receive periodically, as of May 25, 2018. As well as May 25, 2018, customers subscribed to the newsletter may choose to unsubscribe from unsubscribing the email addressbeing deleted from the database.
